The City of Surrey Mayor and Council Members present

Other municipal officials present

The leaders and officers of social purpose organizations present

Community leaders

All other protocols are duly observed.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening! I am deeply honoured to stand before you today at this important event organized by the Surrey Local Immigration Partnership.

It is a privilege to be part of this remarkable gathering that celebrates the diverse and vibrant stories of newcomer immigrants in Surrey, British Columbia.

As we come together to screen the LIP Newcomer Storytelling Project (STORIES OF IMPACT), we embark on a journey that transcends mere narration. We discover the essence of resilience, diversity, and community—a tapestry woven from the threads of our individual and collective experiences. Talking about collective experience, the African socio-economic principle of UBUNTU comes to mind: “I am because we are.” In other words, “we rise by lifting others.”

This project, a collaboration with Surrey Libraries and Library Champions, the Surrey Local Immigration Partnership (LIP)’s “STORIES OF IMPACT”  brings to life the stories of five incredible individuals from India, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.

Their stories of overcoming adversity to build fulfilling lives here in Surrey serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for us all.

These are stories of resilience, perseverance, dedication, devotion, determination, and calculated risk-taking habits.

For some, it is a leap of faith – a jump from the known to the unknown, from comfort to discomfort, from certainty to uncertainty.

For others, it is the other way round, arriving here in Surrey running from war and economic and political instability.

These great individuals and immigrants continue to find the City of Surrey, a welcoming community in which to live, thrive, and raise their families. Indeed, the “Future Lives Here”!

As someone who has walked a similar path, I am deeply moved by the courage and tenacity of these storytellers.

I, too, am an immigrant, having journeyed from Nigeria to Canada with dreams of advancing my career and providing a better life for my family.

As a practicing pharmacist in Nigeria, I faced significant challenges when attempting to become a registered pharmacist in Canada.

The complex and convoluted requirements of the Board of Pharmacists presented a formidable barrier, one that ultimately redirected my career path.

It was in this moment of uncertainty that I pivoted into the social services sector—a field where I found my true calling.

Over the past two decades, I have had the privilege of impacting lives in Toronto, London, Ontario, and now here in Surrey, British Columbia.

My story, like those we will witness today, is one of resilience and adaptation. These are stories of courage and the determination to succeed.

Before immigrating to Canada, my father-in-law advised me: “Son, Canada will offer you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams. If you work hard, you will succeed.”

The LIP “STORIES OF IMPACT” is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the boundless opportunities that Canada presents to those who strive to overcome all odds.

Surrey, in particular, stands out as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of community.

My family and I moved from a city where we were like strangers.

But when we arrived in Surrey over 14 years ago, we felt at home because no one looked down on us or asked us where we came from as if we were UFOs or aliens from another planet.

Surrey is the fastest-growing city in British Columbia and Western Canada, attracting a vibrant and diverse population of newcomers.

According to recent statistics, nearly 43% of Surrey’s residents are immigrants, a clear indication that Surrey is indeed an immigrant city.

The slogan “The Future Lives Here” is not just a catchy phrase; it is a reflection of the dynamic and inclusive community that Surrey has become.

Our city’s growth and success are rooted in its commitment to inclusion, equity, justice, and diversity.

We must continue reinforcing these values to embrace the multicultural realities that truly define Surrey.

By fostering a welcoming environment, we create a space where everyone can thrive, regardless of their background.

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate and express my deepest appreciation to the Surrey Local Immigration Partnership, DiverseCity Community Services Society, Surrey Libraries, Library Champions, and the City of Surrey Mayor and Council for their unwavering support.

Your dedication and hard work have been instrumental in making Surrey a welcoming and inclusive community for all.

As we celebrate the “STORIES OF IMPACT” today, let the resilience and determination of our storytellers inspire us.

Let us be reminded of the power of community and the importance of supporting one another.

Each story is a testament to overcoming obstacles and building a brighter future.

In conclusion, I leave you with a call to action:

Let us continue to support and engage with immigrant communities. Let us strive to create a Surrey where everyone feels a sense of belonging and where diversity is celebrated as our greatest strength.

Together, we can ensure that THE FUTURE TRULY LIVES HERE.

Go on and enjoy the stories that have the power to transform our hearts and minds.

Thank You!


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