KAF Social Research
KAF Social Research Institute has produced several quantitative research reports in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Canadian Heritage through the Digital Citizens Initiative (DCI), the Federal Ministry of Women and Gender Equality, the Canadian Women Foundation, and the Vancouver Foundation.

Use of Data
We use data to highlight the various social issues plaguing the BIPOC population in Canada.

Social trends
We study social trends, dynamics and principles that commonly affect the BIPOC Communities

We perform social research to understand better what causes some of the limitations members of the BIPOC communities to face.
Program Focus

Vigorous use of Data
We vigorously pursue the use of data to highlight the various social issues plaguing the BIPOC population in Canada. KAF Social Research Institute believes that relevant data speaks louder than verbal activism.

Studies of Social trends
We study social trends, dynamics and principles that commonly affect the BIPOC Communities and how these social dynamics influence inequity, marginalization, racism, and various forms of discrimination that members of the BIPOC communities face in the larger Canadian society.

Understanding limitations
We perform social research to understand better what causes some of the limitations members of the BIPOC communities to face, what motivates the sustenance of systemic racism and how to analyze the intersecting factors that work together to oppress and marginalize the Black, Indigenous and People of Colour populations in Canada.
Food Equity & Social Justice

Exploring the causes of poor academic performance among african canadian children in canada's K-12
This empirical research report is among the few providing empirical insights into the causative factors of African Canadian children’s poor academic performances in the K-12 education system in British Columbia.

Exploring the Impact of Disinformation on Divers and Marginalized African Canadian Community​
This research reports a detailed account of the state and the impact of disinformation among the African Canadian community. Also, a comparative analysis was conducted on Asian Canadians as a minority group for comparison.Â
The report uses empirical results from a survey sampling 1,381 respondents from both the African- and Asian-Canadian communities (African Canadian n=1131 while Asian Canadian n=250).