KAF Social / Co-Op Housing and Transition Housing
Since 2012 Kingdom Acts Foundation has assessed, collaborated, and found innovative solutions to prevent and eliminate homelessness in Canada, using the Homelessness crisis in Surrey as a template.
Between 2009 and 2022, Surrey’s population has grown significantly to 571,610. During these ten years, the city’s population has increased by over 93,970 residents. Estimates are based on Surrey’s building permit data and B.C. Assessment information (Surrey.ca). With the increase in population comes a shortage of accommodations.
The housing and homelessness crisis continues to pose considerable challenges to Surrey and the entire Vancouver metropolis.
Unfortunately, homelessness does affect every member of the BIPOC community directly or indirectly. On-the-site experiences inform us that people of diverse racial groups, economic statuses, social strata, gender, and age can become homeless.

Based on our (KAF) practical experience, we propose an innovative approach to preventing and eliminating homelessness across Canada.
These innovative approaches will factor in the gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to critically analyze and determine the different causes and intersecting factors that lead many to homelessness.
In addition, Kingdom Acts Foundation will continue to deploy its social research skills to conduct need assessment surveys to empirically evaluate the causes and dimensions of homelessness to develop a multi-factorial and multi-sectorial approach to preventing and eliminating homelessness in Metro Vancouver.
KAF recognizes that hidden forms of homelessness are difficult to track within the BIPOC communities because the individuals involved do not make themselves known to avoid stigmatization.
As a result, most African and Asian Canadians often see homelessness differently from other visible minorities and majority races.
In addition, the concept of homelessness alienates most African and Asian Canadian immigrants because it is an experience most immigrants from Africa and Asia consider taboo or shameful.
Unfortunately, many African and Asian Canadians suffer from homelessness in silence. KAF intends to deploy our community-oriented empirical research strategies to connect with these individuals and families and help them resettle properly.
Transition Housing
Kingdom Acts Foundation is currently working with a dedicated contact at the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation (C.M.H.C.) to find solutions to homelessness affecting Women, Children and Youth suffering from Gender-Based Violence (G.B.V.) within the Black communities.
KAF is also networking with other stakeholders in the space, such as the Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of B.C. (A.M.S.S.A.) and B.C. Society of Transition Houses to articulate and initiate projects that will serve the housing needs of marginalized and vulnerable BIPOC communities in British Columbia.