Food Rescue & Food Security
KAF Food Bank serves diverse populations without any discrimination. KAF Food Bank has increased access to nutritious foods for all members of the communities the food bank serves.
KAF Food Bank pursues food equity and healthy food redistribution with no barriers to membership. Participants and volunteers are trained to respect one another and strive to maintain order and tolerance.
Weight of Food Rescued in 2022
Value of Food Rescued and Redistributed to Families in need.
Equivalents Number of Meals Rescued and Redistributed to Families in need.
Equivalent Weight of Green House Gas Averted.
Number of Family members Served by KAF Food Bank
KAF Food Bank & Community Food Security programs

Food Security Program
Weekly Food Distribution Events Ensures that Families in Need of Foods do not go Hungry.

Food Donations
KAF Food Bank Volunteers Travel Throughtout Metro Vancouver to Pick up Food Items from Donor Companies and Organizations

Supporting Other Charities
KAF Food Bank Supplies Food Items to Other Charities and Organizations Operating within our Community – Surrey Centre of British Columbia
Food Equity & Social Justice
Moving Beyond Emergency Food Distribution – In Programming, Strategic Planning, And Messaging.
Among the BIPOC communities KAF Food Bank serves, emergency food distribution only offers temporary relief to an underlying socio-economic inequity that keeps the majority of the BIPOC families unemployed or underemployed.
Therefore, KAF’s programming includes capacity building and skills training and advocating for employment equity.
Unfortunately, BIPOC Charities such as KAF face a considerable obstacle in expanding their social purpose programming. The most critical one is the lack of willingness and dedication by funders to support BIPOC Charities, another sign of discrimination and marginalization of BIPOC-led social purpose organizations.
The lack of sustainable funding makes it challenging to have long-term strategic planning and comprehensive programming in a culturally appropriate format.
Food Rescue Operations & Environmental Protection
KAF Food Bank partners with various food rescue and food recovery organizations in major cities of Canada, especially in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, to rescue and redistribute food items to families that need them. It limits food waste and promotes circular food recovery and repurposing.
KAF Food Bank recovers over 465,000 pounds of food worth over $317,000 every year while averting over 375,000 pounds of Green House Gas (GHG).